Philadelphia Police Foundation Home Page


Event DetailsPPF Announcement

Thank you for supporting A Night For Blue!

officer smiling on street

Want to Support?

Make Philly Safer! Together, we can do even more to support, protect, train, equip and uplift the brave men and women of the Philadelphia Police Dept.

Making The Most Impact

While we celebrate our accomplishments in supporting Philadelphia Police, the Philadelphia Police Foundation is more motivated than ever to have an even larger impact today and in the future. The city continues to suffer from a seemingly endless wave of violent crime, putting an already short-handed Police Department into ever more challenging and difficult circumstances. There is still so much to do and so many needs to address and the PPF remains energized and ready to help make Philadelphia (and those who live, work, serve and visit here) safer.

Always on Duty

The Philadelphia Police Foundation holds two unique fundraising events each year. The Night for Blue in the Spring and the Market Street Run for Blue in the Fall. In between, we are active with Press Conferences, PPD Appreciation Days, Special Donor Events and much more.

Letter from the Philadelphia Police Foundation