7th Annual Night for Blue
January 10, 2023
The Philadelphia Police Foundation’s (PPF) 7th annual Night for Blue will be held on Tuesday, May 16 and will feature the presentation of its Founders Award to The Korman Family (Brad Korman, Steve Korman and Linda Richardson-Korman).The PPF’s mission is to help ensure transparent, equitable and excellent policing for everyone. The organization helps Philadelphia Police ensure and enhance the safety of every Philadelphian from every Neighborhood. Night for Blue is by far our most significant fundraising vehicle and has helped the PPF provide funding for critical equipment, advanced technology, youth initiatives and programs and innovative training that is outside the City’s budget.
About the Kormans:
- Linda Richardson Korman founded and built Richardson, a global sales effectiveness organization where she served as CEO and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors. She sold the company in 2008 and continues to work with sales leaders and their teams to increase productivity and engagement and develop sales effectiveness strategies. Linda has taught sales and management courses since 1995 in the graduate school at Wharton, University of Pennsylvania and at Areste Executive Development Center at Wharton as well as Drexel Univ. Linda is also the author of eleven books on selling and sales management. She is a member of the PPF Board of Directors and has served on the Mayor’s Council for the Arts for the City of Philadelphia. In addition, she is a Board Member at PA Academy of Fine Arts and the American Poetry Review.
- Steve Korman is the Founder of Korman Communities, Inc. Steve has spent the past 60 years in the real estate industry specializing in revolutionizing the multi-family sector. He was also a Partner of The Korman Co., one of the largest owners and managers of residential, commercial, and industrial real estate in The Greater Philadelphia Metropolitan Area. Steve has been Chairman of the Advisory Board for MANNA for the past 20 years and recently founded the Steven H. Korman Center for Community Engagement at the Institute of Emerging Health Professions at Jefferson University. Previously, Steve served on the boards of Drexel University, PhilaPride, Temple University School of Tourism, and many more.
- Brad Korman is Co-CEO of Korman Communities, Inc. The Company is a five generation, 100 year-old real estate company with a portfolio of 35 properties and total market capitalization in excess of $3.5 Billion. The Company operates throughout major markets in the United States, and is based outside of Philadelphia, PA. The Company was the innovator of short-term furnished apartments in the United States over 50 years ago and operates a portfolio of properties under the AKA and AVE brands. In addition to being a member of the PPF’s Executive Committee, Brad is on the Board of Team IMPACT and the Duke University Library Advisory Board and is the past Board Chair at Germantown Academy among many other charitable endeavors.
A Night for Blue is a dynamic, festive and inspiring 2-hour networking event, with silent and live auction, all in support of the unbudgeted needs of the Philadelphia Police Department. There may not be a more challenging profession in our country today than being a police officer in a major city, and therefore, with all that has transpired over the past 2 years, our goal is to make May 16 the most successful in the event’s 7-year history.
Over the past two years individuals, businesses, and foundations have generously contributed nearly $2 million to underwrite critical but unbudgeted priorities. Thank you for joining with us! Please reach out directly to Eric Cushing, PPF Executive Director. Eric can be reached by phone at 484-433-6201 or via email: execdirector@phillypolicefoundation.org